Use StazOn to Create a Festive Martini Charm

by Roni Johnson

stazon solvent based ink used to create martini glass charms

Happy National Martini Day! When I saw this fun holiday, I just knew I had to make something fun to help commemorate it. Luckily, I had the perfect stamp set in my collection—a martini and olive stamp. I combined it with Imagine’s Color of the Month Tangerine…well in this case Orange Zest StazOn Ink. As you will find, I also use rubbing alcohol for fun tips and tricks with solvent inks.

Skill: Intermediate
Time: 1 hour + dry time


stazon midis orange zest
Step 1

Gather a few dominoes and wipe with a cotton ball saturated with rubbing alcohol to remove any oils and dust.

Step 2

Using Orange Zest StazOn inkpad, apply ink on the back of the domino covering it completely. Apply rubbing alcohol over the inked domino as desired.  The first domino (on the left in the photo) was sprinkled with drops of rubbing alcohol, set for 10 seconds, then blotted which yielded the white dots. The second domino (center) was sprinkled with drops of rubbing alcohol which was left to dry naturally which caused the interesting “eyes” of color in the center of each drop. The final domino (on the right) had rubbing alcohol splattered on the domino at the same time it was also being lightly heated with a heat tool. This created a lovely mottled effect. Each domino turned out a little different.

how to use glazon
Step 3

Apply a layer of GlazOn to protect the initial layer of StazOn ink. Once the GlazOn layer is dry then more StazOn ink can be applied. Without a GlazOn layer the newer applications of StazOn will re-activate the previous ink layer. Stamp the martini glass image with Jet Black StazOn Ink and apply another thin layer of GlazOn over this layer of ink.

Step 4

Apply a dab of glitter glue inside the triangle of each martini glass and let dry. Apply a layer of irRESISTible Pico Embellisher in Clear or Shimmer over the domino and let dry.

Step 5

Glue a jewelry bail to the back of the domino with E6000 or jewelry glue. And attach an additional loop wire that will attach these pieces to your martini glass.

This project would be a fun compliment to an orange or citrus theme martini drink or summertime cocktail party. Enjoy!



  • Dominos
  • – Martini Stamps (no longer available)
  • Glitter glue
  • Jewelry bail
  • E6000 glue


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