Check Out This Fun Mixed Media Door Hanger Project

by Steph Ackerman

Mixed media projects consist of a variety of projects in all shapes and sizes. Mixed media means you can mix an assortment of products to create a one of a kind piece of artwork. So decide on your base, grab some items from your stash, several colors of ink, a stencil and let your imagination flow. Create with no expectations and see what happens. In today’s tutorial, I put together a beautiful door hanger in a lavender and dandelion color scheme.

Skill: Intermediate
Time: 1 hour + drying time


Step 1

Paint door hanger with black gesso; alternatively use a black door hanger. Place stencil on top. Use Creative Medium with a palette knife randomly about the door hanger. Allow to dry thoroughly.

Step 2

Ink assorted chipboard elements with VersaMagic in Purple Hydrangea and Brilliance in Sunflower Yellow, or choose the ink colors that speak to you.

Step 3

Add shimmer by spritzing several chipboard elements with Fireworks Shimmery Craft Spray in Dandelion.

Step 4

Stamp a phrase using VersaFine Clair in Nocturne on a wood sign. Ink a portion of the image stamp with VersaFine Clair in Nocturne and stamp around the oval chipboard element.

Step 5

Using the doily as the base, determine the position of each element. Use On Point Glue to adhere the elements. Glue doily to door hanger. Wrap twine around the heart and adhere. Add twine to the stamped tag and adhere.


  • Door Hanger
  • The Crafter’s Workshop – Stencil
  • Unity Stamp Co. – Stamp
  • Paper Doily
  • Metal, chipboard elements
  • Black Gesso
  • Twine

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